Hurstpierpoint Bowling Club Honours
Hurstpierpoint Bowling Club Honours

Hurstpierpoint Bowling Club
Hurstpierpoint Bowling Club

Hurstpierpoint Bowling Club
Hurstpierpoint Bowling Club
Hurstpierpoint Bowling Club
Hurstpierpoint Bowling Club
Hurstpierpoint Bowling Club
Hurstpierpoint Bowling Club

Club History and Badge
A brief overview of the history of bowling in Hurstpierpoint is as follows:
One of the earliest documented records of bowls being played in Hurstpierpoint can be found in The Surrey Gazette for Tuesday 12th July 1870. Which is an advertisement for the Chinese Gardens Public House stating they have a bowling green and croquet lawns.

In 1905 Mr. Laws (a Hurstpierpoint resident) suggested the Parish should consider providing a bowling green and establish a bowling club. Although Mr. Laws suggestion was not adopted by the council, some form of rudimentary green or area for bowling most likely existed in 1906 as the Sussex Agricultural Express for Saturday 30th June 1906 reported the Coronation Lodge of the Ancient Order of Druids came to Hurstpierpoint and played quoits and bowls on the previous Wednesday and had tea at the New Inn.
The following year (1907) Hurstpierpoint Parish Council formally made a space available for bowls in the south east corner of the recreation ground. (See press cutting from Sussex Express, Surrey Standard and Kent Mail of Saturday May 4th. 1907, below).

The bowling green remained in that position until the mid-1950's when a new bowling green was laid approximately 50 yards south of the original location. A map of 1955 shows the relationship between the old and new bowling greens with the original bowling green highlighted in pink and the present bowling green highlighted in yellow. (see map below). Also depicted on the map to the west of the old bowling green is the original clubhouse (tiny grey rectangle).

Between the summers of 1907 and 1922, whilst bowling undoubtedly took place, it appears to have been on an informal basis, as to date no records have been located to support either the formation of a club or matches with surrounding villages. The proposal to form Hurstpierpoint Bowling Club was published in May 1923. (see below)

One of the leading bowlers of those early years was Mr. George L. Thomson. Unfortunately, he had lost one arm whilst serving as a Lieutenant in the Rifle Brigade during the First World War but that did not stop him winning the club Championship in 1924 and 1927 and the double of the club Championship and Handicap competitions in 1926. (As shown in the press below).

Explanation of Hurstpierpoint Bowling Club's badge.
Top Left
The tree signifies the origin of the village name from the 11th century Herst (Hurst) which was the Old English name for a wood.
Bottom Left
Represents the game of bowls
Bottom Centre
The flames and 19 in roman numerals (XIX) denotes that in its 100-year history the club has survived a fire and the Covid 19 Global Pandemic. The XIX is also a memorial to those bowlers we lost during the pandemic.

Top Right
The twin hills are those that can be seen from the bowling green. To the left is the Iron Age Fort of Wolstonbury Hill (Height 206 metres) and to the right Truleigh Hill (Height 216 metres) which was a WWII Radar Station. Interestingly although the address for the Bowling Club is now South Avenue it was previously known as Hill Road.
Bottom Right
Are the six Martlets representing the County of Sussex in which Hurstpierpoint is located. It was originally in East Sussex and was moved to West Sussex under the 1974 Local Government reorganisation.